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key stream generator中文是什么意思

用"key stream generator"造句"key stream generator"怎么读"key stream generator" in a sentence


  • 密钥序列发生器


  • The design and analysis of the key stream generators are always the central task of the stream cipher
  • Secondly , some encryption algorithms are introduced , with the analysis and comparison for these encryption algorithms , the author designs an appropriate project to accomplish the end - to - end encryption . thirdly , this paper accomplish the design of an encryption scheme which combining the strongpoint of the rsa algorithm and the idea algorithm . the main process is as following : first , input the digital signal to the encryption device , and then the digital signal exclusive or with the keying sequence which is generated by key stream generator ( ksg ) and the ksg is based on the idea encrypting and deciphering algorithm , the secret key synchronization is also studied
    本课题主要研究的内容是数字集群通信系统加密机制的研究,首先介绍了数字集群通信系统的安全保密机制,讲述了单向和双向鉴权的过程、单呼和群呼的空中接口加密过程及其密钥的选用和管理,特别介绍了端到端加密;然后介绍了几种常用的加密算法,通过分析其优劣,提出了端到端加密的解决方案;最后完成了基于rsa算法和idea算法的数字集群通信系统加密方案的设计,其具体过程为将经过数字信号送入加密器里,和以idea加密算法为基础设计的密码流发生器( ksg )产生的密码序列进行加解密运算,并且研究了此加密过程的密码同步问题。
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